Aug 22, 2022

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How to Attract Your Ideal Client Using the C.A.R.E Method


Dawn stands with a large grin on her face holding two thumbs up. The dark blue text below her reads "Learn how to attract your dream clients using the c.a.r.e method"

Are you wondering about how to attract your dream clients? I’m diving deep into the C.A.R.E method to become a client magnet. 

Keep reading and you’ll learn how to:

  • Lead into a conversation with a stranger

  • Effortlessly attract your ideal client

  • Appear confident even when you don’t feel like it

You’ll walk away knowing how to market yourself to your dream clients without the stress and the overwhelm. 

Buckle up friend and let’s dive in.

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The C.A.R.E Method to Attracting Ideal Clients

You might already know this about me, but I’m no stranger to having to build a clientele. 

When I first started out in the industry in 2001 I was working in a high-end salon. I had spent 3 months assisting and I was so tired of it. My manager informed me that I was allowed to take request bookings, but not walk-ins. I was so determined to get booked up with requests because I didn’t want to be sweeping hair and rinsing out colour bowls anymore. 

I started pushing myself outside of my comfort zone to get those request bookings. At 18/19 I got creative with finding ways to get new clients in. 

When I was 21, I moved to London and got a job in a salon where I had to build a clientele. I remember during my interview process they told me to go out on the street and get a client in for a haircut. It was a little intimidating! Being in a new country and being told to go talk to strangers felt daunting. 

Then in 2006 I moved to Australia and got a job there, which also required attracting new clients. 

Then I came back home to Canada to a salon where a lot of my clients had found other people to see. 

In 2010, I went out on my own and started my own business. I had to start looking and creating new ways to find clients. 

Then finally, in 2014 I moved to a brand new city and started from scratch. 

Starting From Scratch

Moving to a brand new city where I knew no one was when I realized just how much I had learned about building clienteles over the years. 

I started to realize that all of my client building in the past had showed me what worked and what didn’t. 

Check out exactly how I did it here

How often do we hold ourselves back from doing something because we’re scared it won’t work? Here’s the thing, doing nothing is the worst thing you can do. 

Because doing something, even if it fails, still gives you information that you can use for the future. 

Instead of being scared of doing something that won’t work, you should be scared of not doing anything at all. Because the more you try, the more information you collect on what works and what doesn’t. 

When I moved in 2014, I was 31 years old. I was 14 years into my career and got fully booked in under 12 weeks because I knew what NOT to do. And I knew what worked. 

Compliment Them with Confidence

The first step to the C.A.R.E method is “Complimenting with Confidence”. Here’s the thing, if you start a conversation with a promotion people will get weirded out. Not only that, but you’ll feel spammy and slimy because it’s not genuine. Complimenting with confidence is the best way to lead into starting a conversation with someone new. 

Starting a conversation with a compliment will make you feel more comfortable and confident and it will feel natural for the other person. They’ll also appreciate the compliment and feel more at ease. 

Complimenting people with confidence is a great way to start attracting people to you.

So often we think about getting new clients like we have to “get” them and it almost feels like we’re on the hunt for people that we’ll have to convince. I want you to become a client magnet where people are drawn and attracted to you. So much so that they start asking you what you can offer them. 


The next step is to appeal to the potential client. Make a serious and urgent request. Don’t be scared to be confident. 

A lot of times when I’m teaching these things people are scared of coming across cocky. I want you to know that there’s a big difference between cocky and confident.

It’s important to make a serious and urgent request after you’ve given them a compliment. 

Letting them know that you want to connect with people like them. You don’t have to fully invite them in just yet, but let them know what you’re about. 

Respect Their Response

This can be the hardest part of attracting new clients because no one likes rejection. 

The reality is when you play the odds, the odds are against you. I know that’s some tough love with Dawn, but I’m saying that so you know, not to beat you down. 

When I first started inviting people in, I got rejected 8 out of 10 times. Only 1 or 2 people out of 10 would actually come in and book with me. It was discouraging at first. But once I knew the odds it became more of a motivation for me. 

I knew that if I wanted 10 people to book in with me, I was going to have to talk to 100 people. 

Now, the response or rejection isn’t always going to be what you want it to be. Remember that sometimes the response is actually a “not right now” and they could end up referring other people to you or becoming a client of yours later down the road. 

Don’t let the fear of rejection stop you from putting yourself out there. 

Execute the Offer

This is the step that most people forget. You want to ask for it. Don’t leave anything on the table. Far too often people just leave it and then wonder why they didn’t get a new client booked in. 

Start by complimenting with confidence, appeal (let them know the seriousness and request), respect their response, and execute the offer. Even if they tell you “no”, you can still ask for the offer. 

Simply letting them know if there’s ever a time where they’re looking for someone, you’d love to have them in. 

A lot of times when people get a “no” they just stop and they don’t even see the opportunity that’s still in front of them. 

I’ll be totally honest with you, this is going to be uncomfortable. This is going to push you outside of your comfort zone. But if you truly are serious about building your clientele and pushing away the excuses, you’ve got to start by pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone

I want to encourage you today to take the C.A.R.E method and go try it out. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t get a client from it immediately. Remember, that is data so you know what works and what doesn’t work. The only wrong thing you can do is not doing anything at all. 

I hope this inspired you. If you’re going to try the C.A.R.E method I’d love to hear from you. Why don’t you shoot me a DM over on Instagram @dawnbradleyhair so I can cheer ya on. 

Thanks for hanging out, friend. I’ll see ya next time. 

Let’s be besties?

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I am just a small-town, Canadian gal from the prairies who teaches thousands of creatives around the globe how to earn 6-figures stress-free!

Hey, I’m Dawn!

“Rock Your Business” Course Creator, Host of “The Anxious Creative” Podcast. Named by Salon Magazine as Canada’s #1 women of influence.

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